PRONOVA® UltraPure or Sterile Applications

PRONOVA® UltraPure or Sterile Sodium Alginates

NovaMatrix® is the world’s leading producer of medical grade Sodium Alginates: we have been manufacturing UltraPure Alginates since 1988. PRONOVA® UltraPure and PRONOVA® Sterile sodium alginates are our flagship products.

PRONOVA® alginates, a solid track record of safety and efficacy –
PRONOVA® alginates are very versatile, well-characterized, safe and bio-compatible marine biopolymers. They have been purified for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. PRONOVA® UltraPure Alginates have been used in commercial medical applications for over two decades.

PRONOVA® UP Alginates manufacturing


Alginate is a naturally-occurring biopolymer extracted from brown seaweed.

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Alginate is a linear biopolymer with homopolymeric blocks of (1-4)-linked β-D-mannuronate (M) and α-L-guluronate (G) residues, respectively, covalently linked together in different sequences or blocks. The monomers can appear either as homopolymeric blocks of consecutive G-residues (G-blocks), consecutive M-residues (M-blocks), alternating M and G-residues (MG-blocks), or randomly organized sequences. The relative amount of each block type is a parameter we control since it influences the alginate’s properties and functionality.

In contrast to most other polysaccharides, Alginates can form hydrogels at constant temperature, in presence of divalent cations such as Ca2+, Ba2+ or Sr2+. This unique property is particularly useful in applications involving fragile materials like cells or tissue with low tolerance for higher temperatures. For more information, please click on the hyperlink PRONOVA® Alginates – Hydrogels formation and fill in a simple contact form.


  • Form 3-dimentional hydrogel matrixes in presence of divalent cations
    • Ability to form beads to entrap cells and therapeutic actives
    • Ability to form 3D scaffolds, foams and other structures
  • Cell affinity
    • Cell entrapment in alginate matrixes
    • Controlled viscosity and gelation based on alginate type and cation selection
 Wide range of viscosities and gel strengths available
  • Cold / hot water solubility
  • Rheology modification
  • Suspending agent
  • Film forming
  • Naturally-occurring biopolymer with 20+ years in commercial applications
    • Safe, biocompatible
  • Ultrapure, for medical use
  • Long shelf-life: from 3 to 5 years, depending on the product
PRONOVA® UP Alginates hydrogel

Safety and toxicology

The safety and toxicology profile of PRONOVA® UltraPure sodium alginate is described in a Drug Master File (DMF) submitted to the US FDA. If you would like to learn more about the Safety and toxicology of PRONOVA® UltraPure Alginates, please click on the hyperlink and fill in a simple contact form.


PRONOVA® UltraPure Alginates have been used for over two decades in various commercial applications and are increasingly used in new clinical developments. Alginates unique properties and safe toxicology profile make them a polymer of choice for many medical device and drug delivery technologies. Some examples of applications are:
PRONOVA® UP Alginates quality testing
  • Encapsulation of living cells and therapeutic proteins for cell therapy and advanced drug delivery
  • Bone putty binder for tissue engineering and reconstruction
  • Cryoprotection for cell and tissue
  • 3D bioprinting
  • Foams and cell tissue scaffolds
  • Cell culture
  • Hydrogels
  • Advanced drug delivery
  • Implants
  • Anti-adhesion
  • Wound management
  • Medical device coating, etc.

Product selection
PRONOVA® UltraPure Alginates – PRONOVA® UP Product Table

All our PRONOVA® UltraPure Alginates have ≤ 100 EU / g endotoxins specifications as well as ≤ 100 cfu /g total viable count specifications.

We have the ability to supply PRONOVA® UltraPure Alginates at lower endotoxins specifications, as well as tailor-made grades. Please connect with us for more information.

The shelf-life of PRONOVA® UltraPure Alginates varies by grade. If you would like to learn more about PRONOVA® Alginates product shelf-life, please click on the hyperlink and fill in a simple contact form.

PRONOVA® Sterile Alginates – PRONOVA® S Product Table

All our PRONOVA® Sterile Alginates have ≤ 100 EU / g endotoxins specifications.

We have the ability to supply PRONOVA® Sterile Alginates at lower endotoxins specifications, as well as tailor-made grades. Please connect with us for more information.

The shelf-life of PRONOVA® Sterile Alginates varies by grade. If you would like to learn more about PRONOVA® Alginates product shelf-life, please click on the hyperlink and fill in a simple contact form.

Alginate is a linear polysaccharide consisting of (1,4)-linked b-D-mannuronate (M) and its C-5 epimer α-L-guluronate (G).
The monomers can appear in homopolymeric blocks of consecutive G-residues (G-blocks), consecutive M-residues (M-blocks), alternating M and G-residues (MG-blocks) or randomly organized blocks.

Please select the product to obtain more informations or order


  • Viscosity  [mPa*s] :  < 20
  • Appr. Mw [kDa] : < 75
  • G/M Ratio : ≤ 1
  • Endotoxins [EU/g] : ≤ 100
  • Total viable count [cfu/g] : ≤ 100

Purchase the product


  • Viscosity  [mPa*s] :  20-200
  • Appr. Mw [kDa] : 75-200
  • G/M Ratio : ≤ 1
  • Endotoxins [EU/g] : ≤ 100
  • Total viable count [cfu/g] : ≤ 100

Purchase the product


  • Viscosity  [mPa*s] > 200
  • Appr. Mw [kDa] : > 200
  • G/M Ratio : ≤ 1
  • Endotoxins [EU/g] : ≤ 100
  • Total viable count [cfu/g] : ≤ 100

Purchase the product


  • Viscosity  [mPa*s] :  < 20
  • Appr. Mw [kDa] : < 75
  • G/M Ratio : ≥ 1.5
  • Endotoxins [EU/g] : ≤ 100
  • Total viable count [cfu/g] : ≤ 100

Purchase the product


  • Viscosity  [mPa*s] :  20-200
  • Appr. Mw [kDa] :  75-200
  • G/M Ratio : ≥ 1.5
  • Endotoxins [EU/g] : ≤ 100
  • Total viable count [cfu/g] : ≤ 100

Purchase the product


  • Viscosity  [mPa*s] :  > 200
  • Appr. Mw [kDa] : > 200
  • G/M Ratio : ≥ 1.5
  • Endotoxins [EU/g] : ≤ 100
  • Total viable count [cfu/g] : ≤ 100

Purchase the product


Viscosity [mPa*s]

Appr. Mw [kDa]

G/M Ratio

Endotoxins [EU/g]

Total viable count [cfu/g]

< 20

< 75

≤ 1

≤ 100

≤ 100



≤ 1

≤ 100

≤ 100

> 200

> 200

≤ 1

≤ 100

≤ 100

< 20

< 75

≥ 1.5

≤ 100

≤ 100



≥ 1.5

≤ 100

≤ 100

> 200

> 200

≥ 1.5

≤ 100

≤ 100


  • Viscosity  [mPa*s] :  20-99
  • Appr. Mw [kDa] : 75-150
  • G/M Ratio : ≤ 1
  • Endotoxins [EU/g] : ≤ 100
  • Total viable count [cfu/g] : Sterile

Purchase the product


  • Viscosity  [mPa*s] :  100-300
  • Appr. Mw [kDa] : 150-250
  • G/M Ratio : ≤ 1
  • Endotoxins [EU/g] : ≤ 100
  • Total viable count [cfu/g] : Sterile

Purchase the product


  • Viscosity  [mPa*s] :  20-99
  • Appr. Mw [kDa] : 75-150
  • G/M Ratio : ≥ 1.5
  • Endotoxins [EU/g] : ≤ 100
  • Total viable count [cfu/g] : Sterile

Purchase the product


  • Viscosity  [mPa*s] :  100-300
  • Appr. Mw [kDa] : 150-250
  • G/M Ratio : ≥ 1
  • Endotoxins [EU/g] : ≤ 100
  • Total viable count [cfu/g] : Sterile

Purchase the product


Viscosity [mPa*s]

Appr. Mw [kDa]

G/M Ratio

Endotoxins [EU/g]

Total viable count [cfu/g]



≤ 1

≤ 100




≤ 1

≤ 100




≥ 1.5

≤ 100




≥ 1.5

≤ 100



G/M Ratio

Dear customer,

For pre-clinical and lab research (not for use in humans): Iff and Sigma-Aldrich have signed a global distribution agreement covering PRONOVA®, NOVATACH™ and PROTASEA® product lines. Those products are available on the Sigma-Aldrich® website.

For clinical supplies, clinical trials and commercial applications in humans, for other product lines or customized solutions, please connect with us.