by Therese Andersen, Pia Auk-Emblem and Michael Dornish, FMC BioPolymer AS. Published in Microarrays, 24 March 2015. This review compiles information regarding the use of alginate, and in particular alginate... read more →
by Axel Norberg and Paul Gatenholm, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. November 2019. IntroductionAlginates are a family of biopolymers which are FDA approved for several indications and have been successfully used... read more →
by Oju Jeon1, T.J. Hinton2, A.W Feinberg2 and E. Alsberg1. 1Case Western Reserve University and 2Carnegie Mellon University. Cell-laden microgels have been used as tissue building blocks to create three-dimensional... read more →
by Kuen Yong Lee and David J. Mooney, Harvard University, Cambridge. Alginate is a biomaterial that has found numerous applications in biomedical science and engineering due to its favorable properties,... read more →
The design of new technologies for treatment of human disorders is a complex and difficult task. The aim of this article is to explore state of art discussion of various... read more →